Tearju Lunatique (ティアーユ=ルナティーク)
Age: 27
Blood type: AB
Height: 155cm
Weight: 42 kg
Personality: Calm and composed, but scatterbrained.Interests: Reading cookbooks and trying out recipes. Gardening. Reading.Special Skills: Anything she cooks turns out mushy or gooey. (According to her, "they taste better than they look.") She also has an uncanny ability to trip over nothing.CommentsIn the manga: A renowned nanotechnology and biology researcher with an IQ over 200, Dr. Tearju is the source of Eve's DNA. Although she is the human Eve was cloned from, Tearju's eye color is green while Eve's is violet. (Source: Black Cat volume 12 after chapter 108 and before chapter 109.)In the anime:She is shown in the final part of the story. She had amnesia and was forced to wake when Sven and Rinslet showed her a picture of Eve. Her eyes are also the same color as Eve's (violet) instead of being green like in the manga. She also doesn't show any of her trademark characteristics (bad cooking and clumsiness), as she appears right in the final part of the plot.
Tearju is Eve's 'mother', a brilliant scientist who worked on the technology that created Eve. Her personality, speech pattern, and appearance are dead ringers for those of Eve's.
Sephiria Arks
She is designed to be the ultimate soldier, and she is raised to be an emotionless killing machine. However she instead of becoming emotionless she hated killing and simply didn't understand the concept of free choice. She is saved by Sven from the weapon dealer, Torneo Rudman, and he treats her like a human for the first time in her life. She seems to perceive Train as a rival, wanting to replace him as Sven's partner, but this is done for Sven's attention. Additionally, she loves reading, and can remember everything in a book after reading it once. Sven initially tries to keep her away from the Sweeper life for her own safety, though she proves that she can fight as well. Eve has some problems with controlling her fear. Due to her upbringing as a weapon, she never learned how to handle the emotion and that becomes a point on which she is determined to improve upon so she can be of use to Sven. She disliked being treated as a child. Towards the end of the series she had gotten over her fear. She also has a deep sense of compassion and will absolutely not kill no matter what (this stems from guilt she feels for the murders she committed before Sven found her). In the anime, she actually seems to concentrate a little on her feelings for Sven after Layla asks her why she had become a sweeper and she says, "Because someone cherishes me" to which Layla asks, "Oh is he your boyfriend?". Eve doesn't reply but later, when she gets back with Sven she blushes at him. However, it seems that her feelings are not very significant for nothing else appears in the anime that shows she still has feelings for him. The reason might be because Sven asks her to join a boarding school, oblivious to the fact that she wants to stay with him forever. In the last episode of the anime, she is seen with short hair and a school uniform. This might indicate that she has decided to go to a boarding school. In the manga she seems to view Sven as a father figure rather than a romantic interest. She is usually called by Train "princess".
She is designed to be the ultimate soldier, and she is raised to be an emotionless killing machine. However she instead of becoming emotionless she hated killing and simply didn't understand the concept of free choice. She is saved by Sven from the weapon dealer, Torneo Rudman, and he treats her like a human for the first time in her life. She seems to perceive Train as a rival, wanting to replace him as Sven's partner, but this is done for Sven's attention. Additionally, she loves reading, and can remember everything in a book after reading it once. Sven initially tries to keep her away from the Sweeper life for her own safety, though she proves that she can fight as well. Eve has some problems with controlling her fear. Due to her upbringing as a weapon, she never learned how to handle the emotion and that becomes a point on which she is determined to improve upon so she can be of use to Sven. She disliked being treated as a child. Towards the end of the series she had gotten over her fear. She also has a deep sense of compassion and will absolutely not kill no matter what (this stems from guilt she feels for the murders she committed before Sven found her). In the anime, she actually seems to concentrate a little on her feelings for Sven after Layla asks her why she had become a sweeper and she says, "Because someone cherishes me" to which Layla asks, "Oh is he your boyfriend?". Eve doesn't reply but later, when she gets back with Sven she blushes at him. However, it seems that her feelings are not very significant for nothing else appears in the anime that shows she still has feelings for him. The reason might be because Sven asks her to join a boarding school, oblivious to the fact that she wants to stay with him forever. In the last episode of the anime, she is seen with short hair and a school uniform. This might indicate that she has decided to go to a boarding school. In the manga she seems to view Sven as a father figure rather than a romantic interest. She is usually called by Train "princess".
Sejarah Blog
Pada rentang waktu inilah mulai menggunakan nama pakacil. Sebuah nama yang sangat “Banjar” dan saya rasa sangat egaliter. ID digunakan pada sejumlah layanan, walaupun saya yakin, bisa juga ada yg menggunakan ID yang sama untuk hal lain yg saya tidak tau dengan pasti.
• pra – 2006
Membangun dan menjalankan sebuah media informasi untuk Kota Banjarbaru selama 1 tahun, dengan alamat kotabanjarbaru.info yang sekarang sudah in-aktif. Kesulitan utama dulu adalah karena sendirian, dan berusaha memburu informasi dari “dalam” Banjarbaru. Proses ini yang agak sulit. Waktu itu kotabanjarbaru.info sempat mendapat respon dari sejumlah pembacanya yang menyatakan kaget, karena menemui informasi-informasi yang tidak beredar melalui media seperti koran, dll.
• 2006
memulai blogging dengan platform blogspot dan wordpress. namun kini kesemuanya sudah tidak aktif lagi.
• 2006 – 2007
menunggu dan mengontrak secara sah domain banjarbaru .com/.net/.org yang kemudian dipergunakan sebagai media khusus untuk Kota Banjarbaru yang penggunaannya bisa dilihat pada halaman banjarbaru ini. Pada salah satu sub-domain banjarbaru itulah kemudian saya meletakkan blog pakacil, kalau tidak salah adalah pakacil.banjarbaru.*** (lupa).
• 2008
memutuskan untuk menggunakan domain pakacil sendiri. Waktu itu diawali dengan pakacil.net. Blog dengan mempergunakan engine Joomla. Setelah kontrak pakacil.net, berturut-turut kemudian saya kontrak pakacil.com dan pakacil.org.
• 2 Mei 2009
setelah melalui berbagai pertimbangan dan rasa sedih, saya memutuskan untuk migrasi dari pakacil.net menuju pakacil.com ini. Ini dinyatakan dengan pemberitahuan Buka Pintu di Rumah Baru. Walau sekian lama terabaikan, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk mengaktifkan lagi pakacil.net. Tentang hal ini sudah saya ceritakan pada waktu saya menyatakan ingin pulang.
snow drop
All species of Galanthus are perennial, herbaceous plants which grow from bulbs. Each bulb generally produces just two or three linear leaves and an erect, leafless scape (flowering stalk), which bears at the top a pair of bract-like spathe valves joined by a papery membrane. From between them emerges a solitary, pendulous, bell-shaped white flower, held on a slender pedicel. The flower has no petals: it consists of six tepals, the outer three being larger and more convex than the inner series. The six anthers open by pores or short slits. The ovary is three-celled, ripening into a three-celled capsule. Each whitish seed has a small, fleshy tail (elaiosome) containing substances attractive to ants which distribute the seeds.[6] The leaves die back a few weeks after the flowers have faded.
The inner flower segments are usually marked with a green, or greenish-yellow, bridge-shaped mark over the small "sinus" (notch) at the tip of each tepal.
An important feature which helps to distinguish between species (and to help to determine the parentage of hybrids) is their "vernation" (the arrangement of the emerging leaves relative to each other). This can be "applanate", "supervolute" or "explicative". In applanate vernation the two leaf blades are pressed flat to each other within the bud and as they emerge; explicative leaves are also pressed flat against each other, but the edges of the leaves are folded back or sometimes rolled; in supervolute plants one leaf is tightly clasped around the other within the bud and generally remains at the point where the leaves emerge from the soil.[7
]Galanthus is a small genus of about 20 species in the family Amaryllidaceae commonly known asSnowdrops. They are among the first bulbs to bloom in spring, although certain species flower in late autumn and winter.
Snowdrops are sometimes confused with their relatives, snowflakes, which are Leucojum and Acisspecies; see below.
Hutan batu
Mungkin bagaimana indahnya pemandangan hutan tropis di Indonesia sudah banyak yang tahu. Namun pasti tidak banyak yang tahu dan menyadari bahwa Indonesia juga mempunyai “hutan batu” yang sangat indah dan mungkin satu-satunya di Indonesia.
Hutan batu ini adalah salah satu bagian dari kekayaan kawasan karst Maros-Pangkep yang merupakan hasil dari proses pelarutan batu gamping atau disebut juga “residual karst”. Hutan batu ini sangat mudah ditemukan di sekitar persawahan di Kabupaten Maros dan Pangkep. Salah satu “taman alam” yang paling mudah dicapai adalah yang terdapat di Desa Salenrang Dusun Rammang-Rammang. Dari kejauhan, hutan batu ini menyerupai taman dengan berbagai macam pepohonan dari pandan sampai palem. Beberapa bentukan khas dari proses pelarutan gamping juga menimbulkan pemandangan yang sangat indah.Hutan batu ini tidak hanya ditemukan di Desa Salenrang namun juga dapat ditemukan disekitar Desa Leang-leang dan Desa Soreang.
Hutan batu dan masyarakat
Selain mempunyai pemandangan yang indah, hutan batu ini juga berfungsi sebagai sumber mata air bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya terutama pada musim kemarau. Masyarakat sekitar sangat bergantung dengan sumber air yang letaknya di tengah-tengah hutan batu dengan menyusuri lorong-lorong sempit dan berkelok-kelok. Meskipun airnya sedikit payau karena berdekatan dengan pantai, namun masyarakat biasa mempergunakan untuk mandi, cuci dan bahkan untuk keperluan minum dan memasak. Di dalam hutan batu tersebut terdapat sedikitnya lima sumber air yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat sekitar
Gurun warna
- Eksotika Gurun Irna Mutiara Sang desainer menghadirkan busana pengantin Muslim yang unik dengan bermain gradasi warna.
Atmosfer gurun pasir yang panas dan berdebu justru menghadirkan eksotika tersendiri untuk perancang mode asal Bandung, Irna Mutiara. Eksotika itu pula yang tampil dalam koleksi busana pengantin terbarunya.
Dalam pergelaran busana belum lama ini di Jakarta, Irna menyuguhkan tema 'Desert Exotica' lewat 10 set koleksi bergaris rancang up to date, elegan, dan eksklusif.
Grand Canyon adalah sebuah jurang tebing-terjal, diukir oleh Sungai Colorado, di utaraArizona. Jurang ini merupakan satu dari Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia dan sebagian besar berada di Taman Nasional Grand Canyon; salah satu taman nasional pertama di Amerika Serikat. Presiden Theodore Roosevelt merupakan salah satu pendukung utama wilayah Grand Canyon, mengunjunginya dalam beberapa kesempatan untuk berburu singa gunung dan menikmati pemandangan alam yang luar biasa.
Jurang ini, diciptakan oleh Sungai Colorado memotong sebuah selat selama jutaan tahun, panjangnya kira-kira 446 km, dengan lebar mulai dari 6 sampai 29 km dan dengan kedalaman lebih dari 1.600 m. Hampir dari 2000 juta tahun sejarah Bumi telah terpotong oleh Sungai Colorado dan anak sungainya lapis demi lapis sedimen ketika Dataran Tinggi Colorado mulai terangkat.
Grand Canyon pertama kali dilihat oleh orang Eropa pada 1540, García López de Cárdenas dari Spanyol. Ekspedisi saintifik pertama ke canyon ini dipimpin oleh Mayor AS John Wesley Powell pada akhir 1870-an. Powell menunjuk ke batuan sedimen yang terbuka di jurang sebagai "daun dalam buku cerita agung". Namun, jauh sebelum masa itu, wilayah ini telah ditinggali oleh Penduduk Asli Amerika yang membangun tempat tinggal di tembok jurang ini.